This is an example of how "the apple doesn't fall from the tree" or how from a little acorn grows yet another oak tree, much like the one from which it came. Read what my youngest daughter just wrote and posted on facebook. Should I be proud that she "takes after her mother" in more than physical resemblance? Should I admit that I am her mother? Read this and let me know!
"just a small word of advice to you all..... do NOT leave a pizza box in your oven from a previous time of ordering pizza, placing it in the oven to stay warm, and leaving it there intending to eventually deal with it when you take recycling. From personal experience acquired tonight, I can surely tell you that chances are that you will in fact NOT remember, or in other words forget, and will turn your oven on to pre-heat, soon realizing as the smoke is billowing out of the top, that in fact something large indeed must be burning!! And when you rush over to open the oven to find out the issue, you will be forced to face your now flaming idiotic mistake! You will then in fact proceed to run frantically through your house, with a flaming pizza box in hand, rushing it to the outdoors, praying that along the way you haven't managed to make yet another idiotic mistake of catching any of your other beloved belongings on fire!! Trust me, the procrastination of dealing with the old pizza box is not worth the chaos of running a flaming box out of your house, even if you would like to enjoy the smell of a wood stove DEAL WITH THE PIZZA BOX YOU LAZY FOOL!!"
My youngest daughter has gone from graduating with honors from Castleton State College to The School of Hard Knocks, where she will obviously learn some of the more practical lessons of life. Just like her mother, she will realize that not everything is in a degree and that "common sense" isn't an innate, inborn quality and must, for some, be acquired by trial and error! Would she have listened to me if I had told her that she was "a lazy fool"? Never! So save your breath dear mothers and realize that there are lessons that come later in life, and with them comes the sweet joy of seeing your dear little ones, that aren't so little anymore, at last do a bit of "growing up". But do keep them in your prayers, for they need protection from themselves in this stage of "learning the hard way"! It is good that we take on the job of reminding God and His angels to not be fooled by their size or their degrees! They are still our "little ones" that are beyond the safety nets of their parents now!