Monday, June 1, 2015

June's Common-Thread Give-Away Artist is...

Rachel Barlow is this month's Common-Thread Give-Away artist.  She will be giving away a Pocket T- shirt in honor of upcoming Father's Day. It is one that she designed with the coat of arms and Chivalric Code of the Order of the Eternal Missing Sock. The coat-of- arms is on the front and the code is on the back. The shirt comes with a certificate conferring the winner as a Knight (or Knight-ette) of the Order. Modeling the shirt (printed by Zazzle) is her Big Guy. Go to her website, Picking My Battles, to register, by leaving a comment for her any time between Monday and Wednesday. Know that her shirt comes in XS-2XL and she has let us know that the winner can pick any color as long as it’s white. For those that are curious about the code, it reads as follows:

A Knight of the order shall
 Show Courage when Battling Bills or Backed-up Toilets
(even if the knight can’t tell the difference),
Show Honesty always except when Wisdom is wiser
(as when asked if This Outfit Looks Fat), 
Show Mercy for those using the bathroom next 
(by turning on the fan, Man!),
Have Faith that there will be enough 
mismatches to make at least one
               complete pair of socks.

The drawing will be held after Wednesday, at which time she will announce the winner.  This is our Common-Thread Artist Group's way of thanking you for visiting our websites, reading our blogs, and viewing our artwork. All members of the group are located on the right side of my blog and their website's accessed by merely clicking on them.

Rachel is the busy housewife and mother of two boys, who lives in rural upstate New York. Her blog is filled with cartoons and stories that will make you laugh and warm your heart. She also illustrates writes, draws and paints besides. Do visit her site and leave a message for her if you would like to win this free gift, and thank you all again for visiting all of our websites. If you have any questions regarding our artwork or life, we would be happy to respond to you.

The other members of our Common-Thread Artist include Jon Katz, a well-known, New York Times Best Selling author, and photographer.  I start everyday with reading Jon's news about his life in rural New York, on his blog, Bedlam Farm Blog. Maria Wulf, his wife is a fiber artist.  Her artwork and blog, Full Moon Fiber Arts are filled with fun and interesting bits about her life while living with Jon and their assorted animals on Bedlam Farm. Kim Gifford is both an artist and writer, whose blog, Pugs and Pics is uniquely Kim. Her writings are not to be missed and don't miss seeing her artwork while you are there. Kim's work includes collage, photography and other mediums. I am also a member of this interesting collection of artists that have banded together to support one another.  I am best known for my penny-rug-style designer wool pincushions and sculpture as well as other Home Arts. I have recently been getting back into quilting and share my sewing tips and personal journey in my blog. Thank you again for you visiting our websites and good luck in winning this month's featured artist's gift!